Julie Milne

Experienced programer, Data Visualizer, and Image Analyst

Spatial Analysis

Dynamic Basemap of the Municipality of Clarington

Dynamic basemap of The Municipality of Clarington

Created for use during municipal emergencies such as floods, train derailments and chemical spills.

Map was optimized to

  1. Function on Web and Mobile
  2. Custom Popups
  3. Address Locator
  4. Business Locator
  5. Display local context and Assesment parcel boundaries
example of Geovisualization

Suitability Map for a Pick-your-own (PYO) Raspberry Farm in Northumberland County

The darker green areas indicate these are most suitable for a PYO raspberry Patch. This was determined using AHP method for a Multi-criteria Decision Analysis based on five factors.

  1. Market Potential (29%)
  2. Soil Texture (21%)
  3. Distance to Surface Water (25%)
  4. Landcover (17%)
  5. Slope (8%)
example of Geovisualization

3D-Scene Binary Suitability analysis created using ArcGIS Pro - December 2023

Spatial Analysis of Amenities in Thunder Bay Ontario

Service Area Analysis, Mapbook

Created using ArcGIS Pro, by geocoding and linear referencing Toronto Fire Stations and Childcare centres.


example of Geovisualization

Topographic Map of Thunder Bay, Ontario 1:100,000 following Government of Canada topographic map standards.

example of Geovisualization

Reference map showing the administrative EcoRegions of Ontario, created using ArcGIS Pro, Adobe Illustrator, and Microsoft Excel.

example of Geovisualization

Property survey created using AutoCAD.

Image Analytics

example of Geovisualization

Sharpened Landsat 9 imagry overlayed with Shadend Releif, Created using PCI Catalyst for image processing and ArcGIS Pro for final layout. - April 2024

example of Geovisualization

Supervised Image Object Classification land cover map, created using PCI Catalyst and ArcGIS Pro.

example of Geovisualization

Orthorectified Standard False colour image of Milton Ontario.1:20,000. Image captured June 10th, 1999 by the Southern Ontario Colour Infrared Aerial Photography 1994-2002 project. Image Orthorectified March 1st 2024. Displayed on top of a 75 cm resolution, 2002 true colour image of the area, with the road network overlayed.

Collaborative Project with Municipality of Clarington

Municipality of Clarington Emergency response Toolkit

This project built a toolkit to support municipal wide emergency response;

  1. An Offline Mobile Map Package with update script.
  2. An updated Situational Awareness Web Application
  3. Risk Assessment
  4. Network Analysis
  5. Dynamic Basemap

These outputs were created to replace The Municipality of Clarington's outdated emergency response Web App builder, and ArcReaders tools.

For the full description of this project please visit:

When It All Goes Off The Rails: A Municipal Emergency Response Toolkit